Just a little bit different.
Next time you're creating an extension or thinking of a development just remember these homes, nothing needs to be square or boring, the world is your shoe rather than your oyster.
The planning and briefing for the contractors must have been interesting with some serious "out of the box" thinking.
Whether you like or don't like the shoe house, the upside down house or the Car house is irrelevant, it is more about the creation of such projects that should be appreciated rather than why or anyones personal taste and the same can be said of doors including our Supermodel door range.
The Haines Shoe House is a shoe-shaped house in Hallam, Pennsylvania, along the Lincoln Highway, it was modeled after a work boot, the house was built by shoe salesman Mahlon Haines in 1948 as a form of advertisement.
Completed in 2007, the upside down house designed by Polish businessman and philanthropist Daniel Czapiewski was designed and created then built in the small village of Szymbark as an artwork to be representative of the end of the communist era in Poland.
Markus Voglreiter designed this Car-Shaped House and had it built for a family in Salzburg, Austria.
#unusual houses #unusual doors #supermodeldoors