The latest shaker doors to arrive on the uk market.
These doors have very unusual and unique styling with horizontal and vertical rails not constructed as they would normally be, the top rail for example starts at one egde of the door and finishes against the other vertical rail, look closely and all will be revealed.
Panelled Doors - - - - - - - Glazed Doors - - - - - - - - - Fire Doors
A very well primed door that lends itself to easy and final decoration without the tiniest piece of sandpaper in sight.
The glass for the glazed versions is clear and to Britich safety standards.
We have also taken the opprotuinty to make up door pairs to give you all the images required to allow you to visualise what would be possible for your home.
Matching Double Doors, easy on the eye and practical.
#symmetryeccentrodoors #directdoors