Plant & EQUIPMENT Theft
Can the construction industry really afford to lose hundreds of millions of pounds a year?
Probably not.......
Yet that’s exactly what is happening to plant owners and operators every year.
Plant theft is a hugely costly issue. Trying to work out the scale of the problem is something of a challenge. Estimates from various sources run from a conservative £75 million a year in lost assets, to anything up to £1 billion when accounting for machine replacement, loss of productivity and all the other ancillary headaches that happen when a piece of plant gets stolen.
Read more at Construction News where you can take out a very reasonable annual subscription.
Acknowledgement for the above text, Construction News.
Our own Panhans spindle moulder is shown in the image for this blog, we use this machine to create mouldings and all other types of shapework associated with bespoke doors and frames, the cost of such machines vary greatly but a new machine like this costs about £26k, not something you would wish to have stolen.
Edited by Chippy for
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