Our internal oak doors are veneered on a solid core, these cores are either laminated timber or a composite material, these materials are designed for their ease of use, stability, reliabliity and sustainability.
Most of these doors will be dowel jointed, this is a perfectly secure construction method as all dowels are splined so that the area covered is substantial.
We try wherever possible to use timber resources sensibly and we will supply whenever we can products that are FSC registered sustainable timber products, the oak veneer is very good quality and to a thickness that complies with industry standard.
Internal oak doors have veneers matched within a door but obviously each door has its own distinctive grain to give a beautiful contrast when installed in any quantity with your home.
All internal oak doors are supplied with solid oak edges to allow you some adjustment for fitting to your existing door openings, our opinion is that you can safely adjust the height of each door by 50mm, try and take a cut from the top and a larger cut from the bottom but always adjust the width equally and within the tolerances permitted on each individual door and keeping in mind how thick the door edges are.
Internal oak doors are available as Flush, Panel and with Glass as well as fire rated.